career development
How to Think Like a Change Agent: Building Your Skills to Spur Innovation with a Journalism Fellowship
Moderated by Lynette Clemetson
Our industry needs the next change agents to handle our biggest challenges and spur innovation, but sometimes the relentless news cycle can drain even the most talented...

Understanding Your Career Path to Know Your Worth
- Leonor Ayala Polley
- Sonali Kohli
Moderated by Hanaa Rifaey
As you look for new opportunities in digital media, it is important to take stock of where you’ve been, where you want to be and how you will get there. How do you see the arc...

✨ Make Your Resume Shine ✨
- Lynette Clemetson
- Adriana Lacy
- Leonor Ayala Polley
Moderated by Hanaa Rifaey
Lynette Clemetson, Director of Wallace House Center for Journalists at the University of Michigan, Adriana Lacy, founder of Journalism Mentors, and leading network television...