
Audience Behavior and Discussion of News
- Sara Gorman
- Padraic Ryan
- Eugenia Siapera
Recent conversations about trust in news are often missing an important component: a fuller understanding of how audiences interact with and discuss news pieces. Our experts will...

Driving Editorial Decisions with your Analytics
- Alana Coates
- Sarah Nasr
- Paul Quigley
Moderated by Rachel Rodriguez
We measure, measure and measure again. But the kind of information we’re supposed to collect, along with how it shapes our decision-making, shifts frequently. We’ll take a...

Exploring Community Trust in News
- Mark Frankel
- Áine Kerr
- Claire Wardle
Moderated by Steve Herrmann
Elections in the United States, France and Germany have brought an urgency to better understanding online behavior in news consumption. We’ll have a wide-ranging conversation...

Managing for Innovation and Culture Change in News
- S. Mitra Kalita
- Anne-Marie Tomchak
Join us for a vibrant kick-off to our day of discussing best practices and innovation in newsrooms. We’ll discuss newsroom structure, product iteration and innovation and how to...

Red Alert: Making Push Notifications Meaningful to the Audience
- Nic Newman
- Brianne O'Brien
- Madeline Welsh
Moderated by Subhajit Banerjee
Newsrooms are getting creative in how they are tackling push notifications. From writing narrative alerts to improving when and how we send our updates, we can provide a better...

Revenue Roundup: A Look At Digital Income
- Justin Dewhirst
- David Grant
- Mary Walter-Brown
We’ll look at advertising and subscriptions — which remain the core of most newsroom business models, — along with some other streams newsrooms and start-ups are...

Straight to Video: Analytics on Packaged and Live Web Video
- Nathalie Malinarich
- Nic Newman
- Nick Wrenn
The increasing demand for web video has led newsrooms to experiment with different formats, including pre-packaged video pieces, various video products, live coverage and more....

The Trust Architects: Building Deeper Engagement
- Mark Little
An entire community of journalists, technologists, activists, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and other innovators have been tackling the issues of trust in news for months...

Virtual Reality and Immersive Video from the Journalism 360 Project
- Jessica Lauretti
- Thomas Seymat
Google Cardboard and similar devices have been around for a few years now, and headsets like the Oculus Rift, Sony Playstation VR and HTC Vive have recently hit the market....