Digital Safety Snacks Series: Secure Your Insta & LinkedIn Accounts (Yep, those too)

Published June 24, 2022

Episode 7: Secure Your Insta & LinkedIn Accounts (Yep, those too)

It’s easy to forget how publicly visible your private life might be on Instagram and LinkedIn. You might not realize that a photo of your kid playing in your yard – or the CV you uploaded in college – is exposing your home address. We’ll help you clean all that up.

This resource is part of the Digital Safety Snacks series.

Next episode: Cell Phone Hygiene (You going to call your mother with that phone?)


Viktorya Vilk
Program Director, Digital Safety and Free Expression, PEN America
Harlo Holmes
Director of Digital Security, Freedom of the Press Foundation

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Digital Safety Snacks

Digital Safety Snacks Series

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  • Viktorya Vilk
  • Ela Stapley
  • Harlo Holmes

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