Journalism Was Trapped In A Click Bubble. It’s Finally Bursting. Here’s How We Can Thrive
September 11, 2019
This event is possible through the support of Chorus by Vox Media
Presenter: Mario Vasilescu, CEO/Co-Founder @ Readefined, helping quality beat quantity online.
A storytelling adventure through eye-popping facts and figures, leading into a solutions-oriented recipe for success that unites many of the trending ideas in journalism today. Half sobering reminder, half thorough inspiration!
First half
making the case why the internet economy was in an economic bubble, not unlike the subprime mortgage crisis, and the 4 ways it trapped and hobbled the journalism industry.
Second half
how those 4 traps paint a clear picture of how the industry and profession can not only survive, but thrive, in the challenging years ahead. Includes a unified framework of frameworks all attendees can make use of after the session.
There may or may not be a game of “Broken Internet BINGO”!
This session is for anyone who:
- needs compelling examples to help drive home the need to buy into engagement, and leave the old vanity metrics behind.
- has heard a few horror stories about digital advertising, bots, or shoddy metrics, and is wondering “how bad could it really be?”
- is looking additional ways of structuring or justifying their engagement strategy.
- wants to be the most interesting person at their next social gathering (the facts and figures really are pretty great!)