Audience communities are as unique as the audio products they are built around, and engagement strategies can and should reflect that diversity. From social metrics to SMS chat bots to … Learn about this subject.
A Seat at the Table
Women and communities of color are underserved and underrepresented in digital news, as with every other major institution and field of work. What they need and demand is nothing more … Learn about this subject.
360 Video as a Reporting Tool: How and When to Break News with Immersive Video
Using 360 video and virtual reality is, plainly, different from flat video coverage, with production time, editing and file size challenges, among others. It is also an incredible, immersive and … Learn about this subject.
Augmented Reality is Your Next Immersive Content Experiment
Virtual reality journalism has seen challenges in reaching a mass audience, offering possibilities in immersive storytelling but requiring additional hardware. Augmented reality, meanwhile, brings spectacular technology to devices we already … Learn about this subject.
Meet Me IRL
Events are powerful engagement tools, and for some organizations, essential revenue streams — but we’ve been operating without good information on events for years. Emerging research points the way forward, … Learn about this subject.
Media Manipulation, Amplification and Responsibility
Over the past year, the researchers at Data & Society have looked into a range of cross-cutting issues affecting journalism right now. They’ve discussed media manipulation and journalism’s role in … Learn about this subject.
Are You Running an Experiment, or Just Winging It?
Running an actual experiment can teach you a lot quickly. Winging it looks similar, but actually kills the momentum to try new things. In short, you need to be able … Learn about this subject.
J-School Supplemental: Product Management
Regardless of where you went to school and when, we all have gaps in our formal education. In a fast-changing digital media world, those blind spots can be real disservice. … Learn about this subject.
Workflow Automation Tools for Newsrooms of Any Size
From publishing to social media, to editing video, to working in the CMS, there are so many different dashboards, logins and systems to manage. We’ll highlight tools that some small- … Learn about this subject.
Ensuring Accessibility For News
How accessible is your website? Does your news app meet recommended contrast guidelines for visually impaired users? Can you navigate your page with only a keyboard? How does that complex … Learn about this subject.