Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022

ONA Spain: Nuevas narrativas en el diario EL MUNDO (Guacimara Castrillo)

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Spain
Virtual, Global

En esta charla nos contará cómo un diario tradicional y generalista como EL MUNDO adapta sus contenidos a cada red social, cómo el boom de las redes sociales de entretenimiento, afianzadas como primera opción de ocio digital para millones de personas, llevó al diario a apostar por adaptar los contenidos a las nuevas narrativas y canales.

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Saturday, Sep. 24, 2022

2022 Online Journalism Awards Ceremony

Launched in May 2000, The Online Journalism Awards are the only comprehensive set of journalism prizes honoring excellence in digital journalism around the world. Join … Learn more.

Wednesday, Sep. 21-24, 2022


ONA22 will take place Sept. 21-24, 2022 in Los Angeles and online

Los Angeles, CA

Visit the ONA22 conference website for the latest updates about registration, programming and other opportunities. As the premier gathering of highly engaged digital journalists who … Learn more.

Friday, Aug. 19, 2022

Newsletter Idea Swap

Virtual, Global

An idea-sharing meetup for newsletter editors and producers and anyone interested in starting or improving a newsletter product for news.

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