DOJ revises guidelines around journalists’ investigations
In June, ONA and 38 other media organizations joined a letter drafted by Reporters’ Committee for Freedom of the Press which called for revising the guidelines governing investigations and other law enforcement matters that involve journalists, offering specific recommendations. In July, the Justice Department revised those guidelines. As our colleagues at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press said: “The proposal … adopts several improvements to the existing guidelines, and would provide additional protections to working journalists. We continue to believe that an impartial judge should be involved when there is a demand for a reporter’s records, because so many important rights hinge on the ability to test the government’s need for records before they are seized.” Read more and watch for updates from ONA’s Legal Affairs Committee on Interested in more legal questions and ethcial issues that affect journalists? Follow ONA Issues on Tumblr.Highlights from ONA Local

- ONA Jerusalem launched July 24, bringing together more than 30 local and international journalists and members of the tech community for the first ONA Local meetup in the Middle East.
- ONA DC hosted over 150 journalists at NPR July 24, giving tours of the new NPR headquarters and ONA offices, and highlighting the work of NPR’s new CodeSwitch team. Thanks to all of the ONA members and friends who stopped by ONA’s new space.
- ONA Pittsburgh brought together journalists from three daily newspapers on July 25 to talk about plans for future professional development training sessions and the challenges of being socially savvy and digitally-minded in print-centric newsrooms.
- ONA Edmonton, our second ONA Local group in Canada, is planning its first event this fall. If you’re in the area, join the Meetup group for more updates.
ONA’s new home
It’s official: ONA is all set up in our new offices at NPR and we had the open house to prove it (thanks ONA DC!). Please send all mail for ONA (including all donations by check to support opportunities for journalists) to our new address:Online News Association
c/o NPR
1111 North Capitol Street, NE, Sixth Floor
Washington, DC 20002