A discussion around the value of daily podcasts to NPR, what opportunities are in habitual listening and what it takes to launch and grow a daily show.

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A discussion around the value of daily podcasts to NPR, what opportunities are in habitual listening and what it takes to launch and grow a daily show.
Sessions and speakers at ONA19 ONA19 will gather nearly 3,000 people in digital journalism for inspiring conversations on the latest industry trends and best practices. The learning sessions will cover … Read more.
Monitoring threats to the right to publish As a member of the News Media for Open Government (NMOG) coalition, ONA recently joined with other press organizations in a statement about the … Read more.
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Team Zita Arocha, Professor, UTEP Dino Chiecchi, Professor, UTEP Kate Gannon, Professor, UTEP Kerry Doyle, Director, Rubin Gallery of Art, UTEP Alex Hinojosa, Journalism Instructor, El Paso Community College Dr. Santiago … Learn more about this project.
Monitoring how the government spends tax dollars On April 22, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Food Marketing Institute v. Argus Leader, a long-running case over a 2011 FOIA request by … Read more.
Last call for ONA19 pitches The deadline to pitch sessions for ONA19 is March 21, 11:59 p.m. EDT. Submit your best ideas for interactive workshops, bold conversations and under-the-hood sessions … Read more.
Phoenix, meet ONA Local We are excited to welcome ONA Phoenix to the ONA Local network! Lauren Aguirre, Digital Producer at azcentral.com, is organizing the group. If you’re in the area, complete this … Read more.