
ISeeChange is a community climate and weather journal that empowers people to share observations and ask questions about our changing environment. Sightings posted to the ISeeChange platform sync with weather, … Read more.

Media Impact Funders

Media Impact Funders (MIF) is a network of funders who seek to improve society through media and technology. Our members support journalism, documentary, interactives, games, and more. MIF connects and … Read more.


Mozilla has been a pioneer and advocate for the open web for more than 15 years. We promote open standards that enable innovation and advance the Web as a platform … Read more.


OpenNews connects a network of developers, designers, journalists and editors to collaborate on open technologies and processes within journalism. OpenNews believes that a community of peers working, learning and solving problems … Read more.


Poynter is a premier non-profit training organization dedicated to professional journalists. Whether it’s through Poynter’s signature Leadership Academy for Women in Digital Media to the work of our digital tools … Read more.

Sunlight Foundation

Get a lightning tour of the Sunlight Foundation’s data-wrangling tools for watchdogs. From getting alerts on your favorite politician’s latest FEC filing to spotting legislative trends across the 50 states, … Read more.