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Take back your workday. Zapier helps you automate routine tasks, so you can focus on hitting deadlines. It’s a simple tool that lets you craft custom, code-free workflows with the apps you rely on every day.

You can chain more than 500 tools together—like Gmail, Dropbox, and Twitter—with a few clicks. Once your workflow is up-and-running, everything happens in the background, so there’s no maintenance. Sign up for a free account to start automating everything. Questions? Send a note to contact@zapier.com


Alley designs and builds large-scale content sites for top digital publishers, including leaders in news media, entertainment, nonprofits and higher education. The firm offers strategy, design and development services across the entire digital product development lifecycle.

Headquartered in New York, Alley Interactive has worked with news media brands including The New Republic, the New York Post, Digiday, European Voice, Sportsnet, Fortune, TIME and nonprofits such as The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Alley was the only digital agency honored in the news category of the 2014 Webby Awards for our work on The New Republic. More information is available at alley.co or info@alley.co.


dot-pressRadix is a leading domain registry with exclusive rights to manage 7 of the new domain name extensions including .PRESS, .WEBSITE, .SPACE, .HOST, .SITE, .ONLINE and .TECH; .PRESS domains were launched by Radix to create a differentiated internet namespace for journalists and news corporations. .PRESS domains enable you to have strong web identities that help you build relevant and engaged audiences for your content. It serves as an ideal avenue to further enhance your brand’s online identity as .PRESS resonates perfectly with the industry in which you operate. “yourname.press” – Let your profession now be your online identity.

Know more at buy.press.

ONA members get additional savings on .press domains. See the discounts page in the membership center.


Retrieving and searching through public records is the lifeblood of business and investigative reporting, yet it is painful and time consuming. Worse is missing the scoop because a disclosure was filed 10 minutes after you searched for it.

Sqoop is a free web service that lets journalists search and set alerts for records from public data sources, beginning with the SEC, the Patent Office, most of the federal courts, and soon others. Sqoop has been available since March 2015, and already one in four business journalists regularly use the site.

Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists

The Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists is a free service for professional journalists seeking guidance on ethics. Experts answer queries at
ethicsadvicelineforjournalists.org or 866-DILEMMA. Operating since 2001, AdviceLine is partnered with the Chicago Headline Club, a chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Contact Casey Bukro at cbukro@ameritech.net or 847-869-4193.