Mariana Santos is a Portuguese girl who wants to change the world, and is working on it right now.
Founder and CEO of Chicas Poderosas, a digital media training community that wants to bring more women journalists to technology in media.
Public speaker on media innovation and women empowerment through technology and MC at different kind of events.
Until Aug 2016, Director of Interactive and animation at Fusion Media, a joint-venture between Univision and Disney ABC.
Knight Chair of Innovation at Florida International University.
2015 Graduated from JSK Journalism Knight Fellowship at Stanford.
2014 Knight International Journalism Fellow, where she worked all across Latin America in major newsrooms and with independent journalists.
Mariana Santos is a visual storyteller, who did groundbreaking work as a member of the interactive team at The Guardian in London. A trained animator, she pioneered the newsroom’s use of motion graphics to make data stories more compelling. She leads design thinking workshops to increase multidisciplinary approach to storytelling, and she is a leader in community transformation via digital training.
Mariana’s Bio as a WLA Participant
JSK Knight Fellow at Standford and director of interactive and animation at Fusion, Mariana is a visual storyteller who did groundbreaking work as a member of the interactive team at The Guardian in London. A trained animator, she pioneered the newsroom’s use of motion graphics to make data stories more compelling. She started Chicas Poderosas a movement to train, inspire and involve more women in technologic newsrooms. She has created teams of artists, developers and journalists to improve visual and interactive storytelling in Latin American media. This network has been enriching story development, execution and digital delivery of news.