Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013

ONACamp at AAN Digital Conference

UPDATE: If you’re looking for session resources, head to our round-up post for links.

Looking for the latest in digital skills? Join us for a day of hands-on training with some of the top leaders in digital journalism at the Association of Alternative Newsmedia’s Digital Conference. We’re bringing a full day of training to AAN Digital on January 26 and ONA members can attend the full conference January 24-26 for the AAN member rate.

Sessions will explore analytics and metrics for growth, newsroom workflow, thinking like a startup and more pertinent topics to help you improve your skills. This exciting day of intensive digital journalism training is organized by the Online News Association, courtesy of a grant from the Gannett Foundation. AAN is offering a discount to ONA members who wish to attend.

If you are an ONA member, registration for for the full conference is $199 for early registration; $224 for registrations received after January 11, 2013.

ONA members, register here.

If you are not an ONA member, you can register here.

For more information about AAN and the 2013 digital conference, please visit their website. Read more about past ONACamps.

ONACamp at AAN Program

Saturday Jan. 26
Funded by a generous grant from the Gannett Foundation.

Building Online Communities on Tumblr

9 to 10 a.m.
With “Tumblr” now a more popular Google search than “blog” there’s no mistaking the importance of the community built on this platform. Learn directly from Tumblr best practices in managing and growing your online community on Tumblr.
Presenter: Mark Coatney, Director/Media Evangelist, Tumblr @mcoatney

Google Fusion Tables 101

10 to 11 a.m.
Visualizing data is no longer just for deep investigative projects. With tools like Google Fusion Tables, visualizations are easier than ever. Google brings you an introduction to the tool to give you the baseline understanding needed for creating or overseeing the creation of exciting maps and visuals.
Presenter: Vanessa Schneider, Geo Media Program Manager, Google @vanessagene

Digital Diversity

11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
We want diversity in our newsrooms and in our portfolios, so why not in our digital space? We’ll look at ways to incorporate diversity into your strategic plans of broadening your staff, your stories and overall advertising reach and income.
Presenter: Doug Mitchell, NPR, Career Coach, @nextgenradio

12:15 to 1:15 p.m.

Metrics and Analytics

1:15 to 2:15 p.m.
Impact is not just a buzzword, it’s a new religion. Learn how metrics and analytics influence editorial and business strategy and get fast, smart ways to read what’s working and what’s not.
Presenter: Meghann Farnsworth, Manager, Distribution and Online Engagement, California Watch @meghannCIR

Thinking Like a Startup

2:15 to 3:15 p.m.
How do you develop an entrepreneurial mindset? Think about what’s new and what’s next. Don’t be afraid to fail — revise your plan if you do. Figure out what’s going to work in 30 days. Even if you aren’t a startup, innovation, creativity and reevaluating “what is” will keep your organization moving forward.
Presenter: Latoya Peterson, Stanford-Knight Fellow @LatoyaPeterson

Network Strategies

3:30 to 4:30 p.m. 
Many news sites are built with the expectation that they’re an end destination for users. A network strategy calls for finding the readers where they are (an old print circulation strategy) and not expecting them to come to you.
Presenter: Deborah Petersen, Senior Editor – Mobile & Social Media, San Jose Mercury News @deborapetersen

Learn More

Join us for a day of digital training for journalists at the Association of Alternative Newsmedia's Digital Conference.


Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013
