Wednesday, Apr. 2, 2025 • Global

The Future Press: Testing AI in Journalism

Join the “The Future Press” team at the University of Texas as they present about this an innovative project funded by the Dallas Morning News Innovation Endowment in which journalism students test the boundaries of AI in media production by utilizing tools such as ChatGPT, Bing AI, and Google Bard to generate content for a publication. The team maintains transparency throughout the process, openly discussing the use of AI and the editing required to refine AI-generated content for publication.


  • Gracie Warhurst, UT alum and journalist
  • Ryan Serpico, Hearst DevHub
  • Angelica Ruzanova, UT student
  • Jonathan Hopper, UT student
  • Ashlyn Poole, UT student


Anyone is welcome to attend. Tickets are free.

Where will the meetup take place?

This event will be hosted on Zoom. For this particular event, you’ll have the best experience if you join via the Zoom app on a desktop or laptop computer so that you can see the presentation on a larger screen. You can also join using the mobile app, although the presentation may be harder to view.

Can I dial in by phone?

We recommend joining from your computer, tablet or phone using the Zoom app. You won’t be able to access the presentation slides, chat and exercises if you’re dialed in via phone only. If you’re unfamiliar with Zoom, we’ll have staff on hand to troubleshoot, and we also suggest checking out the Zoom support site for more help.

Will this event be recorded?

Yes, this event will be recorded. We will send the recording to everyone who registered after the event, regardless of whether or not they attended.

Will closed captioning be available?

Yes, we will enable Zoom’s closed captioning tool, which now supports closed captioning in both the main room and breakout rooms.

Funding for ONA’s AI in Journalism Initiative is generously provided by Microsoft, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation and The Joyce Foundation. To learn more about supporting ONA’s AI programming, contact Hanaa Rifaey, Head of Strategic Partnerships, at


Wednesday, Apr. 2, 2025
4 pm-5 pm ET

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