Tuesday, Apr. 30, 2013

ONADC: Polling

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA DC

Polls are common currency in Washington debates, and journalists are the primary referees of which polls pass muster and what stories they tell.

But how do they actually work? What makes a poll reliable, and how can you find out?

Scott Clement of the polling firm Capital Insight and the American Association for Public Opinion Research’s journalist education program will pull the curtain back on modern polling. Topics include the key questions to ask when judging a poll’s legitimacy, the role of new technologies, the role of the Internet and new technologies in polling, and strategies for writing and presenting survey data.

While the talk will cover the basics, be sure to check out the Poynter NewsU and AAPOR’s free self-directed course on Understanding and Interpreting Polls for a complete tutorial.


6 p.m. — Doors open

6-6:30 p.m. — Mingling and networking

6:30-7:30 p.m. — Polling presentation

7:30 p.m. — Final networking at a nearby bar (location TBA)

We hope you will join us at The Washington Post auditorium for this event. The $5 entry fee covers your first drink at the bar after the presentation!

See you in April!

— Matt and Tiffany


Volunteer to work the door, photograph or blog the event by emailing Matt (matt@northwestern.edu). Volunteers receive complimentary entry even if the event sells out.

Have an idea for future ONADC topics, speakers and events? We are always looking for cool suggestions, as well as places to hold meetups. Let us know if you have thoughts about topics or if you want to host!


We hope you will consider joining ONA soon. It’s a great organization!

Learn More

Learn more about how polls work and how to recognize reliable polls from Scott Clement.


Tuesday, Apr. 30, 2013
