Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017 • Saint Louis, MO

ONA STL: CODING CAMP: From Twitter Bots to Crossword Puzzles

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA STL

It’s August and at ONA St. Louis we’re firm believers that adults deserve summer camp too. That’s why, for one night only, we’re bringing you CODING CAMP. 

We’ll hear about two phenomenal coding projects that are based right here in St. Louis. 

First up, a project from one of our own: Ben Oberkfell, a senior android an engineer with the New York Times, will share his work on the Times’ crossword puzzle app, which was recently featured at Google I/O. 

Second, we’ll hear from Russel Neiss, who created the viral Twitter bot accounts @Stl_Manifest and, now, @PressSecBot. He’ll tell us a little bit about the projects and give us an introduction to coding Twitter bots. Bring your computer to get started on a Twitter bot project.

As always, we’ll have pizza + drinks and plenty of time chat with one another. 

Learn to code with ONA St. Louis!


Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017
5:30 pm-8 pm
