Tuesday, May 13, 2014

ONA Seattle: Brainstorming Mixer

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Seattle

Help shape the future of #ONASeattle.

What would you do with a group of 200 digital journalists in the Seattle area? That’s the question we hope to answer at a casual meetup and idea-sharing session on May 13. We’re looking to create the next version of the ONA Seattle group and make a plan for the future. We’re also looking for volunteers to step up and serve as the organizing committee in place of the founding team (which got fired for lack of activity).

Do we continue the partnership with SPJ?

Do we want speakers and formal programs?

Or just casual meetups and networking?

Monthly? Quarterly?

Do we incorporate other digital content people that are not considered traditional journalism? (eg. former journalists now working at agencies, government, etc.)
These questions and more will be discussed. So come help us chart a new course.

Learn More

Help shape the future of #ONASeattle


Tuesday, May 13, 2014
