Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015

ONA Rocky Mountains: Get to know other online journalists

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Rocky Mountain

Happy New Year!

Now that you’ve had a great holiday and hopefully some vacation time, it is time to plan our ONA local group meetings for the upcoming year.

We’ll gather at the Thirsty Lion at 7 p.m., where we have a reservation for some high top tables. Come hungry, thirsty or just to socialize with like-minded digital journalists.

Please bring some ideas for educational or social events that we can hold during this year. We hope to hold between 4 and 6 events and your ideas will define what they are!

We will also be seeking volunteers for various tasks, so please bring an idea of how or when you might be able to contribute.

Need-to-know stuff:

• This will be a pay-your-own way situation with the restaurant

• If you want to carpool to save on parking in downtown, please message Phil or reply to the group

• Please do RSVP, so I can adjust the reservation if necessary

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Help plan events for 2015 with ONA Rocky Mountains


Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015
