Thursday, May 7, 2015

ONA PDX: Trivia for Portland Journalism Nerds

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA PDX

Online News Association Portland is back.

After a year in hibernation, we’ve brought new and old blood together to bring you what the Portland area has long yearned for: an email events list and a regular series of social gatherings for journalists and journalist sympathizers.

Our first gathering is a TRIVIA FOR PORTLAND JOURNALISM NERDS meetup and happy hour mixer at The Waypost. Roll in before 7 pm for the best prices.

There will be prizes.

You should also sign up with our Facebook and Twitter feeds and for Portland Newsies, ONA board member Sarah Mirk’s awesome new twice-a-month email newsletter of journalism-related events around the Portland area. Great things are happening, so bring a friend! We’re eager to see you there.

(Also listed as a Facebook event.)

Learn More

Trivia! Journalists! Drinks! Join us for a great night in Portland.


Thursday, May 7, 2015
