Friday, Feb. 17, 2012

ONA @ Mizzou: Mobile Brown Bag

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Mizzou

Do you read news on your iPhone more often than on your computer? Are you interested in learning how to think with a mobile-first mindset? If so, join ONA Mizzou at noon Feb. 17 in Walter Williams Hall Room 35 (a conference room off the red-carpeted hallway). They’ll have Amanda Bromwich and Matt Schmertz, 2011 convergence graduates, on hand to talk about their jobs at The Marketing Arm. Both work at this Dallas-based marketing agency as project managers. Topics will include mobile advertising, mobile-first publishing strategies and job hunting.

Do you have questions you’d like answered at the event? Tweet them now to @ONAMizzou or write on our Facebook Wall.

Learn More

Join ONA @ Mizzou to learn more about reporting with a mobile-first mindset.


Friday, Feb. 17, 2012
