Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013

ONA Boston: January Meetup

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Boston

January Meetup

We have a location, folks. Eric Ortiz and his wife Maria Burns Ortiz have graciously invited us to their home in Cambridge on January 15 to meet up with ONA Bostonians, catch up and… maybe share your news year resolutions.

What are you going to change this news year? What are the big stories going to be? What new technologies are your going to learn/teach in 2013?

Or just tell us where you went skiing over the holidays! Also… please bring something to share!

Eric and Maria live at: 65 Reservoir Street in Huron Village.

Happy New Year — Robin & Kevin

Learn More

Catch up with ONA Boston and share your news plans for 2013.


Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013
