Thursday, Sep. 18, 2014

ONA ATL & SPJ Georgia: Social Media Panel

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Atlanta

Join the ONA Atlanta local group and Society of Professional Journalists Georgia for a panel and discussion on how journalists can expand their reach and tailor their market using social media.

Featured Panel Speakers:
Anna Gonzalez, Social Media Manager for CNN

Candace McCaffery, Principal, CKM Communications

Sunni Thompson, Director of Content Marketing for JWT Atlanta

Michelle Serra, Social Media Manager for AJC

The panel will be preceded and followed by a mixer with your fellow journalists. Attendees pay for their own food and drinks.

To contact ONA Atlanta, email or tweet at @onaatl.

Learn More

Join a discussion on how journalists can expand their reach and tailor messages to their market on social media.


Thursday, Sep. 18, 2014
