Friday, May 18, 2012

JournCamp ONA SPJ

Join ONA and SPJ as they partner to bring you training and tools in all areas of digital journalism. Learn to access public records on the fly and understand entrepreneurial journalism in this one-day workshop for professional journalists.

View the program and register.

Workshop Topics

Entrepreneurial Journalism

Description forthcoming.
Trainer: Retha Hill, Arizona State University

From Their Grubbies to the Web: How to Acquire Government Data and Post it Online

This session will teach you how to get data out of government agencies, clean it up, then post it on your website as a table, chart or map using free, simple Google Fusion Tables. It’s so easy most house cats can do it! You’ll learn the right lingo to use in dealing with agencies, tips for finding databases, and how to provide the information to the public in a visual, interesting and ethical manner.
Trainer: David Cuillier, SPJ FOI Trainer, University of Arizona

Visual Storytelling

Visual storytelling is no longer reserved for those who just work in television. Working on the Web means journalists in all media need to find creative ways to provide information to their audiences. We’ll show you how you can use pictures to tell your story, even if none are (obviously) available.
Trainer: Victoria Lim, freelancer

Social Media as a Reporting and Engagement Tool

Description forthcoming.
Trainer: Daniel Petty, Denver Post

Mobile Newsgathering: Why the Smartphone is the Most Important Journalistic Innovation Since the Reporter’s Notebook

You’ll learn the basics of how to use hand-held devices as a journalistic tool. With the help of social media, apps and some gear, you’ll immerse yourself in the best practices for reporting, editing and sharing stories to any media platform with your smart phone.
Trainer: Deb Wenger, SPJ Newsroom Trainer, University of Mississippi

Copyright for the Copycat Age: What Every Journalist, Newsroom Manager and Publisher Needs to Know About Legality, Privacy and Copyright Laws

Fair use. Copyright. Trademark. Invasion of privacy. Do you know what these terms actually mean? Sure, every journalist, publisher and station owner does in theory, but in practice do you know how the laws governing use of images, content and other creative materials really affect your work? In the age of online journalism and digital/social media, how are the legal rules of the road changing?
Trainer: Gregg Leslie, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Learn More

Join us in Phoenix for a day of digital training.


Friday, May 18, 2012
