Google News Initiative

The Google News Initiative is Google’s effort to help journalism thrive in the digital age through evolving business models to drive sustainable growth, elevating quality journalism and empowering news organizations … Read more.

John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships

The John S. Knight Journalism (JSK) Fellowships at Stanford University supports diverse, resilient leaders with collaborative mindsets who are exploring solutions to journalism’s biggest problems in a time of tremendous … Read more.


JournoDAO is a professional network where traditional journalists who are new to Web3 can come together with Web3 natives to learn from each other. In addition to creating free educational … Read more.


McClatchy operates 30 media companies in 14 states, providing each of its communities with strong independent local journalism in the public interest and advertising services in a wide array of … Read more.


Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to do more. Through the Democracy Forward initiative, we work to preserve, protect, and advance the fundamentals of … Read more.

Muck Rack

Muck Rack is the solution of choice for journalists, who use Muck Rack’s free, automatically updated portfolios to showcase their work and to provide information about what stories they’re looking … Read more.