10 case studies on AI use in newsrooms

By on August 22, 2024

ONA’s AI in Journalism Initiative delivers essential resources for journalists and newsroom leaders to understand and focus on the tech trends most relevant to their work. We’re excited to share our newest offering—AI in the Newsroom, an email series covering specific ways news organizations, large and small, are building and using AI tools.

We’ve curated about 10 case studies, each researched and written by Nikita Roy, ICFJ Knight Fellow and Newsroom Robots Podcast Host. They feature lessons from news teams in the U.S., Norway, Germany and elsewhere, delivered to email inboxes on Tuesdays for the next couple of months.

Subscribe to AI in the Newsroom

Coupled with the written case studies, we’re organizing virtual “how we built it” sessions to connect the ONA community for more learning and exchange of ideas. These events are an opportunity to see the teams you’ve read about demonstrate their AI-powered tools, ask questions and hear what they’re planning next.

Anyone is welcome to attend! The case study sessions are free and open to all ONA members and non-members.

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Funding for ONA’s AI in Journalism Initiative is generously provided by Microsoft, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation and The Joyce Foundation. The initiative is expanding, and we’re seeking additional funders to reach even more newsrooms. To explore ways to support our work, contact Hanaa Rifaey, Head of Strategic Partnerships, at hanaa@journalists.org. For questions about upcoming events, connect with Meghan Murphy, Director of Programs, at meghan@journalists.org.


Karolle Rabarison

Karolle Rabarison is the Director of Communications for the Online News Association.