(Photo: Ian Dooley via Unsplash)

Newsletter writers, editors and producers: Join our 2023 meetup series

Attend our sessions on newsletter metrics, marketing, audience and more

By on March 7, 2023

Online News Association members often tell us that they want more connections with other professionals working on newsletters. To that end, this year ONA will be hosting a series of idea swaps for newsletter professionals.

The series consists of sessions on:

  • March 29: Newsletter metrics and tracking success (Virtual – register now!)
  • April 20: Newsletter marketing, subscriber growth, partnerships and revenue (Virtual – register now!)
  • July 18: Audience engagement strategies for newsletters (New York City, in-person only)

The last session will be held at the 2023 Online News Association conference (#ONA23) in Philadelphia, which is taking place Aug. 23-26. This event is only open to people registered for the conference.

These events are designed for newsletter editors and producers, product leaders, anyone thinking of starting a newsletter product and looking for inspiration, and anyone wanting to improve their existing newsletter.

You’ll meet up with others working on newsletter strategy and share ideas in a series of fast-paced breakout discussions. Bring an idea or two to share, and expect to leave with a bunch of new ideas from your peers, plus new professional opportunities, new peers, mentors and colleagues, and inspiration for a collaboration or partnership.

These events will be participatory — not presentations — so expect to have the chance to contribute to the conversation throughout the scheduled time. After a brief check-in, attendees will break into smaller groups to discuss a series of prompts, checking back in after each to share with the group.

Anyone is welcome, but ONA members can register for these events for free! Check your membership status or learn more about the benefits of joining ONA today.

To discuss opportunities to sponsor this series or share your ideas to support the event, contact Chief Strategic Partnerships Officer Jessica Strelitz at jessica@journalists.org.

To learn about the latest training opportunities and resources from the Online News Association, subscribe to the ONA Weekly newsletter and follow us on Twitter @ONA.

ONA was founded in 1999 as a forum for digital news pioneers to collaborate on common challenges and encourage the highest journalistic standards. Become an ONA member or make a donation to sustain our mission to inspire and support innovation and excellence in digital journalism.

Carrie Blazina

Carrie Blazina

As ONA’s communications manager, Carrie’s responsibilities include content strategy, event promotion, email and social media campaigns, press releases and overall editorial support.