ONA Weekly #122

By on August 31, 2016

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 ONA Weekly No. 122


Meet three stand-out journalists under 30

We’re thrilled to introduce the 2016 MJ Bear Fellows: Rose Eveleth, creator and host of the podcast Flash Forward; Alex Laughlin, founder of Pay Up, and Sohara Mehroze Shachi, creator of Newstant. Learn more about them, their projects and the six journalists who received honorable mentions.



What’s next for reported.ly?

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how founding editor Andy Carvin and his distributed team of reporters created reported.ly, an innovative social news operation, as well as next steps as they parts ways with First Look Media. The team will sit down with moderator Mathew Ingram, Senior Writer at Fortune, on Sept. 17 for the ONA16 Closing Keynote.



Register now for ONA16

In light of our latest keynote announcement, we’ve extended the deadline to register for ONA16 until Sept. 9. Our conferences have sold out for the past nine years in a row, so don’t miss your chance to join us for three days of journalism innovation, networking and training. Register now for ONA16.



Legal Updates

  • ONA joined other media organizations in a brief supporting the appeal of a New York Times reporter, Frances Robles, from an order requiring her to testify and provide notes from her interviews with the jailed murder suspect in the “Baby Hope” case.
  • ONA joined an appeal concerning a request for access under New York’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) to complaints made to the Civilian Complaint Review Board against New York Police Department Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who placed Eric Garner in a fatal chokehold in 2013.
  • ONA also joined the RCFP and other media organizations in submitting comments to the New York City Police Department (NYPD) on its draft bodycam policy. In it, we emphasized the importance of proactive disclosures of video showing serious use of force by law enforcement, as well as minimizing processing fees now charged for the videos.

Learn more about the recent work of ONA’s Legal Affairs Action Committee.



Upcoming Events:




Jobs for journalists

Whether you’re focused on getting a new job right now or just interested in seeing what opportunities are out there, ONA’s Career Center is an excellent resource for journalism jobs. It’s free for job seekers to browse. Recent postings include:



What We’re Reading

Some recent posts we’ve highlighted on the ONA Issues Tumblr:

Have an outstanding article on digital journalism issues to share with us? Tweet it with #ONAissues.



The Online News Association is a nonprofit membership organization for digital journalists, connecting journalism, technology & innovation. Learn why you should become a member.


Jennifer Mizgata

Jennifer Mizgata is Director of Programs at the Online News Association, where she leads the Women's Leadership Accelerator. At ONA, Jennifer focuses on identifying talented digital journalists and innovative journalism projects and providing them with support. Jennifer is a business and design strategist with over a decade of experience creating industry-changing training programs, investing in award-winning projects, and managing key relationships with journalism partners and tech stakeholders. She regularly coaches managers, senior leaders and entrepreneurs on challenges related to their careers and launching new ventures. Jennifer shares advice for navigating tough work challenges in Work Space, a monthly column for Fortune.