Congratulations to the six new AP-Google Scholars: Adam Allevato, Lindsey Cook, Nonny de la Peña, Tyler Fisher, Nilkanth Patel and Erik Reyna. Each student will recieve $20,000 for the 2013-14 academic year to help them build projects that will advance digital journalism. Scholars are working to make better tech for journalists, incorporate virtual reality software into storytelling, make interactive news easier to build, and encourage more women to get involved in computer science.
Entries for Online Journalism Awards due next week
We’re accepting entries until June 21 for the 2013 Online Journalism Awards, honoring excellence in digital journalism around the world. This year, we’ll be awarding $37,500 in prize money, more than in any previous year, courtesy of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Gannett Foundation, including a new $5,000 award honoring the best in Watchdog Journalism. Non-English entries now are included in all categories, including the prestigious General Excellence Award.
Enter the Online Journalism Awards now.
Advocating for transparency in the Manning Trial
A coalition of more than 20 major media organizations, including ONA, wrote a letter to the U.S. Army Military District Court of Washington to request press passes for independent stenographers to create transcripts from the trial of Bradley Manning. The court has refused to release official transcripts, so more than $71,000 has been raised through a crowdfunding campaign to pay for two stenographers. They have begun transcribing the trial, using press passes donated by media organizations.
ONA also joined an amicus brief written by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press asking the U.S. District Court to make available various records in the Manning trial, including pretrial rulings and the court’s docket. Nearly 85 documents that were available online through the U.S. Army’s Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room were removed. For more, read the entire brief and RCFP’s full release.
Disrupting the Newsroom at GEN2013
ONA is headed to Paris June 19-21 for the Global Editors’ Network News Summit, where we are hosting six workshops that focus on seeding, encouraging and implementing experimentation and start-up culture in your digital newsroom.
Fellowship for arts journalists and bloggers
USC Annenberg is accepting applications for the Getty Arts Journalism Fellowship until July 9. The fellowship is for arts, culture and entertainment editors, producers and writers.