Apply for the AP-Google Scholarship over Thanksgiving break

By on November 20, 2012

Students, we’re accepting applications for the AP-Google Scholarship now!

We’ll award $20,000 each to six students. The scholarship application requires that you show us a project proposal that bridges the gap between journalism and technology.

Some ideas for project areas:

  • Data visualization
  • Data mining
  • Mobile devices and applications
  • 3-D storytelling
  • Digital ethics
  • Crowdsourcing
  • HTML5
  • Micro computers

Have you created original journalistic content with computer science elements? Do you have an idea to develop new ways of telling a story with technology? Show us.

Take some time over Thanksgiving break to get your project proposal and other materials together, then apply for the scholarship


Jennifer Mizgata

Jennifer Mizgata is Director of Programs at the Online News Association, where she leads the Women's Leadership Accelerator. At ONA, Jennifer focuses on identifying talented digital journalists and innovative journalism projects and providing them with support. Jennifer is a business and design strategist with over a decade of experience creating industry-changing training programs, investing in award-winning projects, and managing key relationships with journalism partners and tech stakeholders. She regularly coaches managers, senior leaders and entrepreneurs on challenges related to their careers and launching new ventures. Jennifer shares advice for navigating tough work challenges in Work Space, a monthly column for Fortune.