Legal updates: 2010

By on December 28, 2010

Below is a summary of legal updates from 2010:

Oct. 29, 2010

ONA presented legal panel at ONA 2010 in Washington D.C., featuring Jon Hart, Dow Lohnes LLC, ONA General Counsel; Ken Richieri, The New York Times Company General Counsel; Sherrese Smith, Legal Advisor to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski; Lucy Dalglish, Executive Director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press; and Mark Stephens, Partner, Finers Stephens Innocent

Oct. 12, 2010
ONA joined 14 other media companies and organizations in an amicus brief filed in the United Staes Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in the case of WIAA v. Gannett.

In 2005, Gannett decided to stream online four Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) tournament games without getting consent from the WIAA, which controls streaming rights to the games. Gannett argued that as a state actor, the WIAA could not enter into exclusive arrangements that would limit Gannett’s First Amendment rights to cover a public event.

The brief supported Gannett’s position, although was not accepted by the court for reasons unknown. The court ruled in WIAA’s favor.

Aug. 4, 2010
Conducted training session on “What You Need to Know about Internet Law” at ONA Camp in Hollywood, California.

June 5, 2010
ONA conducted training session on “What You Need to Know about Internet Law” at ONA Camp in Birmingham, Alabama.

Feb. 16, 2010

ONA joined other organizations in a letter calling for an end to the policy of many federal agencies forbidding employees from talking to reporters without getting permission or clearance through the public relations office.

Feb. 10, 2010
Conducted training session in Boca Raton, Florida, on Internet law issues.


Alison Schary

Alison Schary is ONA's general counsel. In her role at Davis Wright Tremaine, she represents and counsels clients on a wide range of issues in media and intellectual property law, including libel, privacy, copyright, newsgathering and First Amendment matters. Alison regularly defends clients against claims for defamation, privacy and newsgathering torts, and she has experience representing both plaintiffs and defendants in intellectual property matters. Alison also advises newspaper, magazine, website, television and book-publishing clients on pre-publication and pre-broadcast legal issues.