ONA Weekly #517: An Update From ONA’s AI In Journalism Initiative

By on June 19, 2024

We’re headed to Atlanta for ONA24, Sept. 18–21, to celebrate 25 years of connecting the leading innovators in digital journalism. Get your conference pass today.

An update from ONA’s AI in Journalism Initiative

Launching the AI in Journalism Initiative has been a whirlwind of learning and conversations in the best way. Over 1,150 people have signed up for at least one training session, and we’re regularly (re)connecting with community members whose own projects and questions have inspired more sessions, meetups and other resources to leverage AI’s potential in newsrooms. Read an update from program lead Meghan Murphy about our efforts so far and upcoming opportunities.

Continuing to learn GA4?

In February, News Revenue Hub hosted a live walk-through and Q&A session in which they covered the new features of Google Analytics 4, differences in metrics compared to Universal Analytics, and demonstrated common questions such as how to find traffic for a story and top referrers. (If you missed this very popular session, you can find the archived video and resources shared by NRH in the ONA Resource Library.)

The ONA community’s requests for a follow-up session have been heard and answered: NRH will be hosting a second session, Continuing to Learn How to Use GA4, on Thursday, June 27 at 2-3 p.m. ET (11 a.m.-12 p.m. PT, 6-7 p.m. UTC). Sign up and submit your questions here.

Building strategic alliances

Hanaa Rifaey, ONA Head of Strategic Partnerships, is featured in the June 2024 The Membership Management Report, contributing her perspective on building alliances and partnerships that advance members’ interests.

Hanaa shared, “The main piece of advice I can offer for anyone looking to build and sustain partnerships — specifically the kind of partnerships that means that another entity is giving your group money in exchange for access to your members or community — is to view them as true collaborative partners, and that includes being okay with saying ‘no.’ If you prioritize the money your partnerships are bringing in over mutual respect and honesty, you end up doing a disservice both to them and to your membership. If you are well integrated with your membership and understand their needs and values, you should be able to assess which partnerships to explore and nurture and which ones would not be a fit.

“Sometimes, you might see that something related to the partnership is going to fail. It’s on you to address the issue head-on and find realignment. It’s never easy to have tough conversations, but be honest before time and money are wasted, or worse. Your honesty will be seen as valuable and will speak to the integrity of your organization and how you prioritize your members. You are their partner as much as they are yours, and you share the wins and losses.”

Email Hanaa to explore partnership opportunities with ONA.

Get support with your newsroom’s AI policies

We’re collaborating with Trusting News on a new project to understand public perception of AI use in journalism, and looking for a small cohort of organizations to be part of the research. If your newsroom could use guidance to figure out AI ethics policies and disclosures, apply by June 19 to get involved.

Your legal rights when covering the U.S. elections

As part of the U.S. Election Safety Summer series, learn from Lucy Westcott, Director of CPJ’s Emergencies Department, and Jennifer Nelson, Senior Staff Attorney with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, about journalists’ legal rights and free legal resources on Tuesday, June 25, 12 p.m. EDT. This session will discuss newsgathering rights when covering elections, issues to consider when reporting at conventions, polling places, or demonstrations; and the range of free resources available through the Reporters Committee and its local partners.

Mark your calendar

Career opportunities

ONA’s Career Center is an excellent resource for jobs, fellowships and internships in digital journalism. Recent postings include:

What we’re watching in AI tech

Elsewhere on our radar

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