ONA Local student group renewal

Thank you for your interest in renewing your student group. Please fill out the information below with your group’s leadership information and a bit more about your plans for this year.

In order to be considered an active ONA Local student group, you must fulfill these requirements:

  1. Student groups must be based on a college campus. Individual students and educators are also welcome to participate in ONA Local professional groups. See if there’s one nearby.
  2. Each student group must have at least one faculty advisor and one or two student organizers, who will be the main point of contact with ONA. If your university requires your group to have an elected board of directors, you can list the club president and vice president with us. We’ll list advisors and organizers on our website.
  3. Student groups must meet at least four times per year to be considered active and continue to be listed on our website. We’ll offer a set of suggested events in our student group toolkit you can choose from to build your calendar, or you can plan your own events.
  4. Since most student groups do not post their activities publicly, we need each group to check in at least once per semester so we know you are still active. You can email local@journalists.org with your update on what your group is doing or to let us know how we can help.