Join us for a women's leadership workshop.
ONA SF: Second Bay Area Holiday Mixer! (Register via PMWG link)
Join us for a holiday party.
ONA NJ: So long, 2019! Join us for an ONA New Jersey end-of-year party!
Come hang out and eat pizza with us as we say goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020!
ONA LA: Winter ONA LA Karaoke Party
Join us for a karaoke party.
ONA SF: Bay Area Holiday Mixer! (Register via Eventbrite link)
Join us for a holiday mixer.
ONA NYC: Holiday Party
We hope you can join us for the annual ONA NYC Holiday Party.
ONA Cincinnati: Holiday Mixer
We're teaming up again with the Cincinnati Society of Professional Journalists and the Greater Cincinnati Association of Black Journalists to host a holiday mixer!
ONA Baltimore: Covering Baltimore for national audiences
oin ONA Baltimore and SPJ-Maryland for a panel discussion and group breakout sessions on how local journalists can best report on the city for audiences outside the area.
HI: Journalism Groups Unite
Join us for a holiday mixer.
ONA Detroit: Holiday Mixer
Join us for a holiday mixer.
ONA DC: ONA DC’s annual holiday party
ONA DC's annual holiday mixer.
ONA DC: Mindfulness meditation class at the National Press Club with ONA DC
This hour-long class will include instruction, guided meditation, and discussion.
ONA DC: How NPR Makes Daily Podcasts a Habit
A discussion around the value of daily podcasts to NPR, what opportunities are in habitual listening and what it takes to launch and grow a daily show.
ONA Italia: @Glocal: Dal locale al nazionale: freemium per sostenere i giornali
I contenuti digitali a pagamento possono rappresentare una soluzione di finanziamento per le testate digitali? Qual è la risposta del pubblico e come si gestisce il rapporto con i lettori abbonati?
ONA Boston: ONABoston Social/Networking Meetup in Harvard Square
Gather in the bar alcove at Grafton Street and network with local online journalists, audio and video creators, engagement editors and more.
ONA Philadelphia: State of Young Journalism: Lightning talks on the future of community engagement
An evening of lightning talks given by young, locally focused news professionals — reporters, editors, project managers — who will speak about their work engaging neighborhoods and other hyperlocal groups.
ONA Italia: @Glocal: Social media wine – Presentazione del libro
Come cambiano la comunicazione e il marketing del vino ai tempi dei social media? Facebook & co. funzionano anche per promuovere e vendere uno dei … Learn more.
ONA STL: BuzzFeed News Workshop: Reporting in an environment of disinformation
Join us as BuzzFeed News journalist Jane Lytvynenko hosts a workshop centered on the disinformation environment and the practical tools journalists can use to track down bad actors and inauthentic activity online.
ONA CDMX: Taller para mujeres periodistas sobre acoso en línea
Una charla sobre los tipos de acoso en línea que existen; desde el doxxing hasta cómo la desinformación entra en el juego, hablará de los resultados de sus investigaciones sobre acoso, sobre las campañas y movimientos que existen en Estados Unidos y dará consejos sobre mantenerse segura en línea.
ONA Pittsburgh: October Happy Hour and ONA Recap
Join us for a happy hour and ONA19 recap.