Thursday, Apr. 17, 2014

ONA SF Happy Hour

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA SF

1. Join us in the Library Room of Le Meridien Hotel, 333 Battery St, San Francisco, CA 94111

2. Acquire a beverage (happy hour specials until 7 p.m.!)
3. Locate the journalist types and friends of journalist types in the Library Room (large space to the right of the bar).

4. (5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.) Help plan events for ONA/SF. We’ve gotten the year off to a great start. And the future looks bright. Bring your suggestions for events and activities for the next few months.
5. (6:30-9:00 p.m.) Retrieve part of a headline from the vessel and mingle. Delight in the ridiculousness of headline mashups, meet new people and share what you’re working on without the standard networking-event-business-card showdown.
6. Continue having fun!

Learn More

Come drink and talk about news-type things


Thursday, Apr. 17, 2014
