So your news organization has a mobile app. Congratulations! But if you’re just shoveling the work you’re already doing onto a smaller screen, you’re ignoring the fundamental reasons people are consuming their news on mobile devices.
Editors from four apps will discuss how they’ve actually changed their content to suit a mobile audience that has entirely different needs and desires than your www. It’s a new, important area of exploration for journalists; hear from those leading the charge on how you could be doing things differently (and what kind of journalism jobs that creates). We’ll have:
Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy), editorial lead on NYT Now (download the iPhone app)
Millie Tran (@millie), writer on the upcoming BuzzFeed News App (coming soon, but here’s a Nieman Lab write-up)
Daniel Bentley (@DJBentley), senior editor at Circa (iPhone, Android)
Hailey Persinger, editor at Yahoo News Digest (iPhone, Android)
Moderated by Daniel Victor (@bydanielvictor), The New York Times
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m.; the discussion will begin at 7 p.m. Light snacks and refreshments, including wine, beer and beverages, will be served. We welcome announcements of job openings, which will take place at the end. Follow the conversation online with #ONANYC!