Libby Bawcombe

Senior Visual Product Designer • NPR • Washington, D.C.
Last edited June 7, 2017

Libby joined The Atlantic in 2013 as Digital Design Director, where she leads user experience, art direction and design of the digital experiences for and Libby works with editorial, magazine and development teams to bring The Atlantic’s stories to millions of daily readers. Prior to this, she spent 13 years at the Newseum, the museum of news in Washington, D.C., as Manager/Senior Multimedia Designer, where she designed interactive touch experiences for platforms as large as gallery walls and as small as phones. Libby’s time at the Newseum provided an in-depth look at how news is reported and consumed in an ever-changing digital world. She graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, with an Emphasis in Multimedia. Libby is currently a member of the Society for News Design (SND), the Professional Association for Design (AIGA) and User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA).

Recent Work

The Atlantic’s responsive Features template showcases articles with great supporting multimedia content across all viewports. Photography, video, interactive maps and infographs combine with clean typography, drop caps, pull quotes and an airy feel, all of which optimize the reading experience. Some of my favorite Features are ���The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates, “The Overprotected Kid” by Hanna Rosin and “American Aqueduct: The Great California Water Saga” by Alexis Madrigal.