Daja E. Henry is a recent graduate of Howard University, currently pursuing a Master’s in journalism at Arizona State University. She is passionate and driven by her causes of bridging the African diaspora, exposing injustice and leaving her footprint across the globe. Daja is a native New Orleanian and proud of it. She’s traveled to 12 countries, collecting stories and connecting cultures. Though she’s been all over the world, the biggest story she’s had the responsibility of telling was at the McDonald’s on General Degaulle, where she worked during the summer after her freshman year of college (ask her about it!). Recently, she produced a 15-minute documentary on the history of the New Journal and Guide newspaper in Norfolk, Virginia and interned at The Wall Street Journal, where she wrote and edited. She enjoys writing, photography and learning foreign languages, as well as pushing the limits to provide innovative, yet understandable ways of storytelling.