Ellie Blanchard is a senior at American University studying Journalism and French. During her time at AU, she served as Publishing Director for the print edition of the university’s Her Campus chapter and worked as a freelance writer for her hometown newspaper, The Carlisle Sentinel. Ellie also coordinated fundraising events for a student-run organization working to advance menstrual equity domestically and abroad, and she completed a semester-long intensive French language program in Grenoble, France. She is passionate about immigration reform and rethinking the concept of global development projects, and she hopes to use her interests in languages and writing to promote humanitarian solutions and encourage critical thinking. After she graduates in December, Ellie intends to pursue law school to become more effective in combatting domestic and international justice issues.
In her free time, Ellie enjoys reading memoirs, drinking chai lattes, thrifting, and exploring Washington, D.C.’s book stores, flea markets, and restaurants.