Corey Ford is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Matter, a start-up accelerator for entrepreneurs building scalable media ventures that create a more informed, empathetic, and inclusive society. Matter invests seed capital and provides intensive support through a human-centered, prototype-driven start-up accelerator in San Francisco and New York City. Prior to Matter, Corey built Runway, a pre-team, pre-idea incubator forentrepreneurs at Innovation Endeavors. He also taught design thinkinginnovation at the Institute of Design at Stanford University, also knownas the d.school. Corey began his career in public broadcasting managingthe production of 17 films for the PBS/WGBH series FRONTLINE, winningan Emmy and a duPont-Columbia Gold Baton Award. He earned an MBA at Stanford and was a Morehead Scholar at UNC-Chapel Hill.