Joshua is the host of 1A from WAMU and NPR.
Before moving to Washington, D.C., he worked as the co-creator and host of the provocative nationwide public radio series, Truth Be Told, which explored race in America. “My professional passions have always centered on creativity, exploration and service,” Joshua notes. “This moment in history demands these attributes of us. It's a chance to tell stories more creatively, to explore ideas beyond our own, and to refocus on serving others.”
Joshua has been at the forefront of public media innovation. He began his career helping to launch a unique partnership south Florida’s NPR news station, WLRN, and The Miami Herald. He served for over five years as morning newscaster for KQED in San Francisco.
Joshua was born and raised in West Palm Beach. He is the son of a public schoolteacher and a Vietnam veteran, he says that his parents and mentors ingrained in him the values of love, learning, and service.
Joshua has also been teaching podcasting at the University of California, Berkeley School of Journalism and frequently moderates public discussions, including a recent series on equity in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is an active member of the National Association of Black Journalists.
“At this moment, our country needs a fresh voice that addresses the wonderful diversity of our nation,” says Diane Rehm. “Joshua Johnson represents America’s future and is the right host at the right time.”
About 1A
With a name inspired by the 1st amendment, 1A explores important issues such as policy, politics, technology, and what connects us across the fissures that divide the country. The program also delves into lighter subjects such as pop culture, sports, and humor. On air, online, and on demand, 1A launched in January 2017 – a time of deep national reckoning.
The show acts as a national mirror – taking time to help America look at itself and to ask what it wants to be. Produced in America’s capital but in touch with communities across the country, 1A takes advantage of the world’s most dynamic thinkers to examine the complex issues facing us all—with a focus on solutions.