Dr. James Rodriguez is a Senior Research Scientist and Director of Trauma-Informed Services at the McSilver Institute. He is a New York State-licensed clinical social worker and psychologist with over 25 years of providing mental health services to children, youth and families in a variety of service settings, including direct practice, training and research experience in the area of trauma treatment and services. His work at McSilver Institute includes the development and dissemination of training materials to promote trauma-informed care in diverse service settings for children, youth and families. In addition, Dr. Rodriguez has a private practice that focuses on trauma treatment. As well, he is an adjunct faculty member and teaches cultural competence at the NYU Silver School of Social Work.
Prior to coming to McSilver, Dr. Rodriguez was a child therapist in the School-Based Mental Health program in the Department of Psychiatry at New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYPH) and a research scientist with the Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Columbia University.
Dr. Rodriguez received his MSW degree from Columbia University School of Social Work and his PhD in counseling psychology, counselor education and supervision, from the University of Washington in Seattle.