D’Vera Cohn

Senior Writer/Editor • Pew Research Center
Last edited October 18, 2019

D’Vera Cohn is a senior writer/editor at Pew Research Center, where she focuses on demographics and immigration, as well as the U.S. census. Among the topics she has written about are families, population projections and unauthorized immigration. She is coordinating the center’s 2020 census-related work, which will include public-opinion surveys, blog posts and more. The upcoming census will be the fourth she has written about, either as a Washington Post reporter (1990 and 2000) or Pew researcher (2010 and 2020). She also organizes and teaches at Poynter Institute workshops around the country to train reporters to cover the 2020 census (four so far this year). A graduate of Bryn Mawr College, she was a Nieman Fellow.

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