As Head of News, Government and Elections, Adam Sharp leads a team driving creative uses of Twitter by journalists and news organizations, government officials and agencies, and political candidates and campaigns worldwide. Called “the human embodiment of Twitter” by the New York Times, Sharp joined the company in November 2010 as its first hire in Washington, DC. Now based in New York, he is the longest-serving member of Twitter’s global media partnerships team. Sharp’s previous work in television journalism included management positions at NBC News and C-SPAN, as well as documenting the recovery process at “Ground Zero” following the attacks of 9/11. He also served as Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana through Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the senator’s successful 2008 reelection. He is Vice President of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation, a board member of the National Press Foundation, a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a former President of the bipartisan U.S. Senate Press Secretaries Association.